dimecres, 30 de març del 2011

Descartes - Kurt Elling "Samurai Cowboy"

You dig /everything in life / everything you've seen
Everywhere you've been / you have been thinking all of the time

Everything that's happened to you / has been made or construed to brood
At least passively in the life of the mind

You dig / memory is such / nothing gets away
Everything you touch / finds a place / deep inside your inner clutch

And it seems gigantical scenes / pouring in from your outer dreams
Wrinkle mental stuff in your own skully hutch

And once you think it / naught you can do to stop / you've simply got to cop
Nevertheless the thought can really wig you

Like sometimes I'll / go for a run / there's nothing I expect to run to
When all of the sudden the thought begins / a feeling like in my brain there lives an alien / And it gets funky then

Then I think / maybe I am just a little man in a space capsule
Riding 'round in a balloon / deep down inside my head
(Some big old giant's head - dig?)

I'm driving the running / the motion sequence of running and pushing and Pumping the oxygen deep in the plumbing / sumping on to some-way
Some-how keep on moving the giant / keeping him pliant

Right now an arch-typical synap-tically of light / a firing anatomical hit
Is right now getting down / dig?
Shooting a rapid-fire sparkle-chemical in the atmosphere, here

& thinking that I'm thinking of thinking / only makes me think a kink
In a way / that only goes to cite that Descartes was right!

You dig /everything in life / everything you've seen
Everywhere you've been / you have been thinking all of the time

Everything that's happened to you / has been made or construed to brood
At least passively in the life of the mind

You dig / memory is such / nothing gets away
Everything you touch / finds a place / deep inside your inner clutch

And it seems gigantical scenes / pouring in from your outer dreams
Wrinkle mental stuff in your own skully hutch
Kurt Elling

dilluns, 28 de març del 2011

Nietzsche: Voluntat de Poder, Superhome i Etern Retorn



Experiment Conductisme: Watson i el petit Albert

Spot Repsol Piràmide de Maslow

Psicologia Social

Percepció (Gestalt)

Interpretació dels Somnis: Freud i Jung

Descartes "Meditacions Metafísiques"

Plató "Fedó"

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Història de la Filosofia

Qualsevol ajuda innecessària és un obstacle per al desenvolupament.

Maria Montessori, pedagoga italiana (1870-1952)

dimecres, 16 de març del 2011

Llegim per descobrir una visió del món.

Amélie Nothomb, escriptora belga en llengua francesa (1967)